Monday, June 10, 2013

How'm I doing?

With apologies to the late Mayor Edward Koch. 

I'm frequently asked, "How is the book doing." The short answer is, I really don't know. My publisher tells me it's doing quote well, so much so that they ordered a second printing (although I don't know how many copies were run the first time). I signed up for the author's service on Amazon, which offers lots of information (uselful and not too).

For example, as of this writing, I learned that 501 is:

Not to appear ungrateful, but I do wish it was among the top 100 baseball titles.

Furthermore, I learned there are 100 "geographic regions" on the map (contiguous U.S.; I guess there are just no bookstores in Alaska and Hawaii). According to the map, the most copies have sold in the New York area. Again, I'm not sure what constitutes this info. Is it only books sold in physical stores, and doesn't include Amazon? Are these all the stores that carry the book, or only the ones polled by the outfit that supplies such data to the Amazon author service?

501 has sold in 74 of the 100 "markets." What's up with that? You folks in the other 26 are really letting me down. Thanks to the one person in Springfield, MA -- my home town -- who bought a copy. Also to those folks in Lexington, Altoona, Memphis, Mobile, Providence, Decatur, Dayton, Evansville, Spartanburg, Flint, Grand Rapids, Harrisburg, and Birmingham (among a few others) who bought the local copy.

As for the rest of you, get busy. Please.

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